CULTURE eats strategy for breakfast

Company culture, the shared ethos, and values within an organization, is a crucial aspect of any business. It impacts everything from employee engagement to business performance. Here are some important elements of company culture:


Ø  Mission, Vision, and Values

The bedrock of your organization's culture is its mission, vision, and values. They establish the purpose, direction, and guiding principles of the organization.


Ø  Leadership Style

Leadership has a significant impact on company culture as leaders often set the tone for the rest of the organization. Their values, behaviour, communication style can influence company culture positively or negatively.


Ø  Work Environment

The physical space, resources available, and level of comfort in the workspace play a role in shaping company culture.


Ø  Management and Work Structure

How teams are organized and managed determines aspects like accountability, hierarchy, collaboration, and more.


Ø  Communication and Collaboration

Open and transparent communication builds trust and creates a culture of collaboration and idea-sharing.


Ø  Compensation and Benefits

Fair compensation models and workplace benefits can reflect an organization's respect and care for its employees.


Ø  Professional Development and Growth

Opportunities for employee personal growth such as training and development programs can foster a culture of continuous learning and improvement.


Ø  Recognition and Reward

This includes both formal and informal recognition and rewards. Employees who feel recognized are likely to be more committed and connected to the company.


Ø  Work-Life Balance

This indicates a company's understanding of the importance of employees' personal lives and health.


Ø  Diversity and Inclusion

A culture that welcomes and respects diversity and includes various voices in decision-making tends to be more innovative and resilient.


To develop these elements within the company:


Ø  Create a clear vision and mission.

It is critical for employees to understand and align with the organization's mission and vision.


Ø  Existing culture assessment

Get input from employees through surveys or focus groups to understand what elements of the current culture are effective and what needs to be improved.


Ø  Leadership Role Modelling

Leaders at all levels should embody and promote the desired culture.


Ø  Open Communication

Encourage open and transparent communication.


Ø  Build a safe and inclusive environment.

Make the workplace comfortable and inclusive. Promote diversity and ensure everyone’s voice is heard.


Ø  Training and Development

Provide regular learning and development opportunities.


Ø  Recognize and Reward

Celebrate success and recognize those who embody the company values.


Ø  Feedback loops

Continuously gather feedback from employees and adjust the approach as needed.


Building a healthy company culture isn't something that happens overnight. It requires strategic planning, ongoing commitment, and the collective effort of everyone in the organization.



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